November 1, 2017

Chris de Hoyos

Winners of the Hispanic College Quiz TV Show recognized with scholarships 

Representatives from State Farm, sponsor of the Hispanic College Quiz, and Central City Productions, the producers of the TV show presented scholarships to the three finalist of the 2017 Hispanic College Quiz TV Show. The students were recognized during the Networking Dinner of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) 31st Annual Conference in San Diego, included:

  • Francisco Gallardo – Laredo Community College - $1,000 Scholarship
  • Mercedes Guzman – Savannah State University - $2,250 Scholarship
  • Ami Torres - Oklahoma Panhandle State University - $4,500 Scholarship

Since 2008, the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities has partnered with Central City Productions in featuring students from HACU-member institutions on the Hispanic College Quiz show that, thanks to the support of State Farm, has aired on television nationwide. The show not only celebrates Hispanic Heritage, but also showcases our future leaders.