Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)


Please fill out the form below to advertise at HACU's 21st National Capitol Forum.


Space Reservation - February 3, 2016
Camera-Ready Ad - February 5, 2016

Required fields are indicated by an *.
* Zip code

I WOULD LIKE TO RESERVE: *Ads must be submitted camera-ready originals or PDF files in color only. Bleed and non bleed ads are accepted. No film or native application files (i.e. InDesign, Illustrator, etc.) will be accepted. 300 DPI Formats acceptable are PDF, JPG, EPS, TIFF and PSD.
Please upload the ad if available. If the ad is not available at this time, please email it to development@hacu.net by the ad deadline. NOTE: File must be less than 25MGB
Name as it appears on the credit card
Credit Card Number
Card Security Code