HACU National Internship Program 

30th Anniversary


Alumni Census


Thank you for taking the time to respond!
We look forward to connecting! 



Required fields are indicated by an *.
This information will only be used for aggregate data, which is incredibly useful in promoting HNIP.
This information will only be used for aggregate data, which is incredibly useful in promoting HNIP.
This information will only be used for aggregate data, which is incredibly useful in promoting HNIP.
Please reference the options provided in the previous question.
This is the most common way that HACU will contact you.
e.g. Spring 2022
Select the category that best represents your major(s). If you are unsure of which to choose, you may reference this list: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/college-majors-academic-area-study-regular-print.pdf
e.g. University of Maryland-College Park, Bachelor's Degree, Political Science, May 2016; American University, Master's Degree, Public Policy (MPP), May 2019
Did it help you learn you were on the right path or that you wanted a different path? Did you change your or add a major or minor? Did it help you improve your grades or get more out of your classes?
Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
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