Member Advisory – October 5, 2010

Share your story on 10.10.10 as part of the One Day on Earth initiative

Through its partnership with the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) is encouraging your participation in One Day On Earth, an international online community dedicated to documenting the 24-hour period of October 10th, 2010 (10.10.10). HACU-member institutions that participate in this effort will help capture an unprecedented global video snapshot of a single 24-hour period.


Find a creative way to document your issue using unique footage that will impact and inspire people to find out more. Use 10.10.10 as an opportunity to express an opinion on an issue about which you feel passionate.


  1. Identify a specific UN issue you would like to profile.
  2. Spend 10.10.10 documenting the subject.
  3. In addition, you can document what your academic community is doing in support of the goals and objectives of UNAI.
  4. Share your best footage with the community.
  5. When uploading, be sure to tag the footage with United Nations Academic Impact.
  6. If you wish, you can also share your video on the UNAI Facebook page (


Videos submitted to the One Day On Earth project will be kept and stored on a publicly available, online searchable archive, creating an invaluable resource: a database of films that deal with some of the most important issues facing our global community. Contributing footage may be selected to be included in a feature-length documentary, to be released next year.

One Day On Earth will also reach over 450,000 students in 64 countries through the distribution of free digital educational toolkits on media literacy.

HACU contact:
Alvaro Romo
Associate Vice President for Programs, Services and International Affairs
(210) 576-3244