Selection Process

Each participating agency designates a liaison to coordinate the number and distribution of intern placements and assists HACU in advertising the program within the agency.

The liaison will be the primary contact for the internship program. However, supervisors also play an important role by creating the internship assignment, reviewing applications, and making the final intern selection. Each liaison and/or supervisor completes and submits an HNIP Intern Request Form at HACU will review the request and provide a minimum of three applications to the supervisor for each request submitted. To select an intern, the supervisor will review the applications and select the student online. HACU staff then offers the internship assignment to the selected student.

The following are guidelines to facilitate the selection process:

  1. Supervisors should contact their agency liaison to gain access to the online system. Please contact the HNIP office if you do not know who your contact is within your agency.
  2. Once you are provided with a user name and password, complete the entire online HNIP Intern Request Form. HNIP will fill requests in the order they are received. Please note that we cannot accept an Intern Request Form that is not complete.
  3. HNIP will provide the agency a minimum of three applications based on the qualifications listed on the Intern Request Form. To review additional applications, supervisors should notify the HNIP office.
  4. Prior to making the final selection, supervisors should call and/or e-mail the applicants for a brief conversation and interview. This will ensure the best match between student and internship assignment.
  5. To select an intern, simply press the "select" button next to the student's name. Once a student is selected, an automatic e-mail is sent to them indicating their selection to the program, and prompting them to contact the HNIP office for details. NOTE: Applicants may be under consideration by other supervisors, therefore, early selection is encouraged. If none of the applicants are available, HNIP will notify you, and if requested, will provide you with additional applications.
  6. HNIP will extend the job offer to the selected student. Upon accepting an assignment, the intern will be given their supervisor’s name, contact information, and anticipated responsibilities of the assignment. HNIP will call or e-mail the supervisor when an intern accepts the assignment.