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Each proposal submitted will be evaluated using the criteria below.

Please include designations (Ph.D., Ed.D., etc.)

Presentation Workshop - A session focused on sharing topics of interest, lessons learned, or evidence of impact related to the proposed topic. This type of interactive session is composed of one to three presentations in a specific area.
Panel Session - An opportunity to provide insights and guidance from several subject matter experts. A panel session composed of two to three presentations on different aspects of a specific topic.
Facilitated discussion - Session on a proposed topic where attendees are invited to share challenges and solutions through conversational engagement and exchange.

Please provide name, credentials (Ph.D., Ed.D.). title and institution for any additional presenters listed.

Presentation Title: - 10 word limit.

Please do not copy and paste into the fields below.
Presentation Abstract: (50 - 75 word limit) - A brief description to be included in the conference program

Presentation Plan: (50 word limit) - A brief description that provides an overview of expected audience involvement. Interactive presentations are highly encouraged.

Presentation Summary: (250 - 300 word limit) - Extended description of proposal for committee review. Proposals will be reviewed for relevance to 2023 conference theme, thoroughness and clarity, and expected learning outcomes.
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