About the Conference

The official opening of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) 14th International Conference Innovation and Technology for an Inclusive and Diverse Workforce occurred on June 3, 2024, in Salamanca Spain, at the University of Salamanca. 

The conference began with an Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception, where the Mayor of Salamanca, Carlos García Carbayo, and Dr. Juan Manuel Corchado Rodríguez, President of the University of Salamanca, gave welcome remarks.

The three-day conference program included twenty-four concurrent workshops and three plenary sessions. A Student Track was offered in conjunction with the conference, which included a visit to campuses around the area for panel discussions and workshops related to study abroad and other international education programs. 

HACU’s 14th International Conference is made possible thanks to the support from all its sponsors featured here.

Conference Information: 

Conference Program

List of Participants Institutions

Welcome Ceremony and Plenary Session I

Plenary Session II

Plenary Session III

Student Track