June 28, 2021

California’s 2021-22 State Budget June 28th Package

The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) has issued a statement on the 2021-22 State Budget June 28th Package. A final budget still needs to be negotiated with Governor Gavin Newsom. Highlights of the Legislature’s Budget are as follows:

University of California

  • Provides $259 million ongoing to restore base funding to UC and provides an increase of $173.2 million ongoing (5%) to UC’s base.
  • Provides $68 million ongoing General Fund in 2022-23 to support 6,230 new California students and $31 million to begin a five-year process to reduce non-resident enrollment at UC Berkeley, UC Los Angeles, and UC San Diego to 18%.
  • Provides $1.8 million ongoing General Fund for immigration legal services.
  • Provides $22.5 million one-time to support the Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnerships (SAPEP) program.
  • Provides $12.9 million ongoing General Fund for the UC PRIME program.
  • Approves $3 million ongoing General Fund to support the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Initiative.
  • Approves $25 million to support UC Riverside School of Medicine for clinical facilities.
  • Eliminates the sunset date on summer financial aid.
  • Provides $15 million one-time General Fund to support emergency financial aid for students.
  • Approves placeholder trailer bill language that extends the sunset of a UC institutional aid program that provides support to some refugee and undocumented students.

California State University

  • Restores a $299 million ongoing General Fund cut made in 2020-21.
  • Provides a $185.89 million ongoing General Fund base support increase.
  • Provides $81 million ongoing General Fund to increase CSU undergraduate enrollment by 9,434 new students in 2022-23 and $1 million ongoing to increase enrollment at Stanislaus State, Stockton Center.
  • Provides $15 million ongoing to support CSU student mental health, $15 million ongoing to support student basic needs, and $30 million one-time for emergency financial aid.
  • Provides $433 million one-time for capital projects, and $25 million ongoing to support the CSU Humboldt transition to a polytechnic university.
  • Provides $25 million one-time General Fund to support the California State University Northridge Center for Equity in Innovation and Technology.
  • Eliminates the sunset date on summer financial aid.


    California Community Colleges


  • Provides $1.45 billion to fully pay down deferrals created in the 2020 Budget Act.
  • Provides a 5.07% cost-of-living adjustment to apportionments, or $371.2 million ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund.
  • Extends the hold harmless provision for the Student-Centered Funding Formula by one year, to 2024-25.
  • Provides $24 million ongoing for the Student Equity and Achievement Program.
  • Provides $5.6 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to support AB 1460 (CSU ethnic studies) and anti-racism efforts.
  • Provides $11.6 million to support Dreamer Resource Liaisons and student support services, including those related to career pathways and economic mobility, for immigrant students.
  • Provides increases to the following categorical programs:

    o $4.9 million ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund for Umoja

    o $8 million ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund for MESA

    o $7 million ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund for Puente

    o $20 million ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund for EOPS

    o $1.3 million ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund for the HBCU Transfer program

  • Provides $250 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund for emergency financial aid.
  • Eliminates the age and time out of high school requirements for the Cal Grant for income-eligible California community college students.

California Student Aid Commission

  • Eliminates the age and time out of high school requirements for the Cal Grant for income-eligible California community college students.
  • Provides $5.4 million for a cost-of-living adjustment to the private nonprofit tuition coverage award from $9,084 to $9,220.
  • Provides $15 million ongoing General Fund to create the Foster Youth Cal Grant Access Award, which provides foster youth in the Cal Grant program with an access award up to $6,000.
  • Expands the Middle-Class Scholarship program to cover the total cost of attendance for low-and middle-class UC and CSU students starting in 2022-23. The program calculates a student’s costs, other aid, and a student contribution and then provides state aid to make up the remaining costs. The program begins by covering about a third of the full costs.
  • Modifies the Governor’s Budget proposal to require that all California high schools ensure seniors fill out financial aid applications. Placeholder trailer bill language would delay implementation by one year; require CSAC to develop regulations, standardized opt-out form, and acceptable use forms; require schools to use standardized opt-out form; allow legal services organizations and postsecondary immigration resource centers to aid schools; allow a student to opt out for any reason; and ensure students are not penalized for not completing a financial aid form.


  • Requires LEAs to confirm that all high school seniors complete a FAFSA or California Dream Act Application beginning in 2022-23, with student protections and LEA support.
  • Adopts universal Transitional Kindergarten (TK) as part of a mixed delivery system, phasing in expanded age eligibility to full implementation in 2025-26 and re-benching the Proposition 98 Guarantee to provide ongoing funding for the TK expansion of approximately $2.7 billion at full implementation.

HACU Member Advisories are a service of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)