August 31, 2023
The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities is hosting a webinar on resource capacity-building for HSIs entitled “Supporting HSI STEM Education through the National Science Foundation,” presented on Sept. 19 at 2 pm. CT, presented by Sonja Montas-Hunter, Ph.D., program officer at the National Science Foundation, and Elsa Gonzalez, Ph.D., associate professor at the University of Houston, and program director at the NSF.
The webinar will provide an overview of funding opportunities from various NSF directorates related to broadening participation in STEM and increasing diversity in research. Participants will learn how to align their diversity, equity, and student success initiatives in STEM with the NSF merit review criteria. It is imperative that the NSF portfolio represents the IHE community it serves, including strong representation from Hispanic-Serving Institutions and their scholars. Whether 2-year or 4-year, public or private, HSIs serve a wide range of students with a diverse set of educational backgrounds. The need for tailored initiatives, policies, and practices (mindful of socio-cultural awareness) should meet the students' needs and institutions' expectations while advancing undergraduate students at HSIs toward higher levels of academic achievement in STEM. Included is a presentation from a diversity of NSF grant funding opportunities that support the wide range of institutions in the HACU community.
This webinar is one in a series being presented for HACU-members this year. To register for this webinar, click here.
Sonja Montas-Hunter Ph.D. served as assistant vice provost of student access and success at Florida International University prior to the NSF, was previously associate dean at the university’s graduate school and also led several initiatives to support academic and student-support activities to increase diversity and equity at FIU. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Hunter College-CUNY, a master’s degree from Radford University, and a doctorate from Barry University.
Elsa Gonzalez Ph.D. serves as program director at the NSF for the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic Serving Institutions program, Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation, and the Faculty Early Career Development Program. She earned a bachelor’s degree from University of Guanajuato, a master’s degree from Autonomous National University of Mexico, and a doctorate from Texas A&M University.