February 2, 2010
NJ Revilla-Garcia

HACU announces HACU-EOI scholarships

HACU and Fundación EOI, Spain, renewed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) earlier this year. The MOU will provide 20 scholarships of 50% for EOI graduate programs in Madrid or Sevilla, Spain and 15 scholarships of 30% for EOI’s International Master Executive TICAL Program, which is a 9-months online program that includes a three-week-stay in Spain.  For program information, please visit, www.eoi.es.  E-mail contacts for graduate programs in Spain are internacional@eoi.es  and for the Tical Program is ticalmadrid@eoi.es.

For scholarship information and to send applications, please contact, Rafael Segovia Reino via e-mail at rafaelsegovia@eoi.es. Applications from HACU member institutions should clearly indentify that  students are from HACU-member institution