USDA Funding for HSIs

HACU's Position
HACU supports USDA/HSI competitive grant programs that promote and strengthen the ability of HSIs to carry out education programs to attract, retain, and graduate outstanding students capable of enhancing the nation's food and agricultural scientific and professional work force.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and HACU have long been affiliated through a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and active leadership group meetings that recognize the need to include more HSIs in USDA programs and research.

The reauthorization of the Farm Bill in 2014 preserved the previously authorized programs for HSIs and Hispanic Serving Agricultural Colleges and Universities (HSACUs) and added a new competitive grants program in support of Hispanic agricultural workers and youth. These programs are designed to strengthen the ability of HSIs to offer educational programs that attract, retain and graduate outstanding students who will enhance the nation’s food and agricultural, scientific and professional work force. However, none of the HSACU programs authorized in 2008 have ever been funded by Congress and only the HSACU Endowment program has ever been included in the President’s Budget Requests.

HACU requests appropriations for the following programs:

  • $40 million for the HSIs Education Grants Program at USDA-NIFA
  • $20 million for the HSACU Equity Grants Program
  • $40 million for the HSACU Institutional Capacity-Building Grant Program
  • $40 million for the HSACU Basic and Applied Research Grant Program

Additional Information

Did you know?
Hispanic graduates represent at least 15 percent of the agricultural degrees awarded within the last two academic years at HSACUs. 

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