Faculty and Staff Caucus Membership Application

You will need the following information to complete HACU’s Faculty and Staff Caucus membership application. Please have this information ready before you proceed. You may wish to print out this page to assist you while going through the application process.

Institutional Affiliation.  Faculty and staff employed at a 501(c)(3) college or university are eligible to be members of HACU's Faculty and Staff Caucus.  At the beginning of the application process, you will need to search and select the institution that you are affiliated with. You may search by using the full non-abbreviated name of your institution e.g., University of Texas at San Antonio, or by key words e.g., %University of Texas. The percent sign in front of a partial name will search for all institutions with the words that follow the percent sign. You will also need to enter the full non-abbreviated name of the city and state where your institution is located. If you do not find your institution through the search, please contact HACU's Membership Department at memberinfo@hacu.net or (210) 576-3231.

Contact Information. This includes your prefix (e.g., Dr., Ms., etc.), title, address, telephone, fax and e-mail.

Areas of Interest. Please list your three principal areas of interest in your application e.g., student programs, grants, advocacy, etc.

Method of Payment. You will need to know how you intend to pay for your membership e.g., P.O., Check, Credit Card (MasterCard, VISA, American Express). You will not be required to pay immediately. However, if you choose the credit card option, your card will be charged upon approval of your membership. If you do not have your purchase order (P.O.) number you can enter “in progress” in this field. An invoice will be e-mailed and mailed to you, which you may forward to the appropriate individual at your institution to make payment. You can estimate your dues by referring to the Membership and Dues Information page. An invoice can not be generated until the caucus enrollment form is submitted. Payment is net due within 60 days from the date on the invoice.

Submit Your Application. At the end of the application, please press “Submit” to submit your application to HACU's Membership Department.

Complete Application in One Session. Once you start completing the membership application, the information you enter will begin to be recorded in our database. If at all possible, please do not exit the application session while in progress or your information will be lost.

Membership Information. The information provided in your membership application may be included in HACU publications including the HACU Membership Directory and will be used to disseminate information to you by HACU and by outside sources to which this information may be provided.

CLICK HERE to login and RENEW your Caucus membership

NOTE:  For renewing Caucus members, you will need your user name and password to renew your membership. Please have these ready so you may log in. Your user name is on your HACU Member Card. To retrieve your password, you may visit the Member Login Info link or if you need your user name you can contact HACU's Membership Department at memberinfo@hacu.net